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Assistant Professor, School of Planning, FoSc
Founding Fellow, MacEachen Institute for Public Policy and Governance

View: Profile


Dr. Ren Thomas is an Assistant Professor at the School of Planning and a Founding Fellow in the MacEachen Institute for Public Policy and Governance. Her research incluces a cross-case comparison of rental housing policies across 15 Canadian cities and a study on non-profit and co-operative housing in Halifax. She is currently writing a book on transit-oriented development for Palgrave MacMillan, summarizing a meta-analysis of 11 international case studies in TOD. Before coming to Dalhousie, Dr. Thomas held positions at the University of Oregon and the University of Amsterdam, and worked for a range of organizations including Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation and BC Non-Profit Housing Association.


MA, School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP), University of British Columbia
PhD, SCARP, University of British Columbia

Research Interests

  • Housing policy

  • Transportation planning

  • Growth management policy

  • Case studies

Notable Awards

Canadian Institute of Planners Award of Merit (2017, Planning Publications) for Planning Canada: A Case Study Approach (2016, Oxford University Press)

Recent Publications

Orcid ID#: 0000-0001-6404-6460

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Healthy Populations Institute (HPI)
Dalhousie University
1318 Robie Street, Box 15000
Halifax, NS, B3H 4R2

Telephone:(902) 494-2240


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